Which is great reason to buy the app, but this could be a huge breakthrough in more areas then that. Just think, if parents are thinking about having a child, but they’re worried the child might be born with a genetic condition. They can purchase the app to test the likelihood they’re child will be born with serious genetic condition. Or if one of the parents has a genetic condition, they can test the odds that will be passed on to their offspring. It can be such a devastating time when a family finds out their child was born with a genetic condition, so being able to know before hand would be very beneficial to their decision. This app will also benefit the general public that …show more content…
Word of the company’s products would spread like wildfire, as it is talked about by people who have purchased the app. Helix needs to patent the technology of the DNA app store, so rival companies can’t copy their product to steal future customers. This is a very advanced system, which makes it a huge target for other companies. One downfall on the app is once someone has purchased the app, they are no longer a potential buyer in the future. I would call this product a “one time buy” type of product. Of course not everyone in the world is going to buy the DNA app store, so as a stakeholder you need to realize that once the company hits its peak value. The product will start to slow down in sales, and the value will start to drop as more and more people don’t need to buy to