In The Heart of Darkness, Conrad, portrays racism and acts like it’s not a problem calling an African a “nigger.” For example, Conrad says, “A nigger was being beaten nearby” (Conrad) pg. 17. I’m sure Conrad could have worded that sentence differently. Instead of saying “A …show more content…
When students are in school, they have their own cliques. When students get into a clique, they usually associate with their own kind and not other cliques. It’s usually cliques against cliques. The racism isn’t just with students; it can be with teachers and students as well. For instance, on July 11, 2013, there was this story in NYC on how these immigrant students were accused of making racists remarks to their non-white teachers. In this story it says, “Two of the teachers, who were fired, say they were victims of harassment and that their poor performance ratings were a result of racial discrimination.” It also says, “In a witness statement, the school's assistant principal, Anthony Riccardo confirmed their claims. He said Zanca called the teachers "gorillas" and made comments about their "big lips" and "nappy hair," according to WNYC.” These smart comments about these teachers were horrible and inexcusable. As you can see, racism can happen anywhere and to anyone. It doesn’t matter where you are, there are racist people