During the baby's early months, parents are curious and ask a lot of questions about their babies. When this three month old female is brought to the clinic, weight, length and head circumference should be checked and plot in the child's growth chart. A complete head to toe assessment is done. This child's developmental assessment should be completed, such include, head control, cooing , smiling and parents recognition are assessed. Also, making sure the baby is up to date with her immunizations (Kids Health. org, 2016). Moreover, since this child is adopted, her past medical record should be obtained from the previous clinic if possible. Also, this baby's activities should be enquired, such as grasping.
Write an educational intervention plan for the parents. What are you going to teach the parents about their baby? …show more content…
I assume, being a foster child, this baby is not breast fed. Therefore, I will need to know how much this baby feeds per day?. They should be educated that this baby has to be fed up to 4 to 5 ounces at a time at least every 3- 4 hours. How often does she urinate.? This baby should have at least 4- 6 wet diapers in a 24 hour period. I will also need to know her bowel habits. The consistency and the volume of her stool. Since, she is formula fed, her stool is expected to be firmer compared to a breast fed baby, but should not be hard or formed. I will enquire about car seat, her car seat should be in rear position. Sleeping habits and naps should also be enquired (Hay, et al., 2016).
When completing a physical exam for this baby, what would be of particular focus and