Hamlet And The Taming Of The Shrew Analysis

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Even though Shakespearean plays have existed for centuries, bringing forth both enjoyment for audiences and discussion for literary thinkers, and having been analysed, scrutinised and their very essence explored. This essay will attempt to create a vivid and fascinating exploration of Hamlet and the Taming of the Shrew, for emphasis the purpose of this essay is to traverse in the depiction of Shakespearean women. Chiefly the performance of these female characters on stage whilst using Judith Butler’s Queer theory as a basic theoretical framework.
This essay will also attempt to address Shakespearean misogyny and answering the age old question of How far is Shakespeare's depiction of the female characters a result of Renaissance culture or his own personal beliefs. Naturally, the historical context of Renaissance England will play great importance to portrayal of women in Shakespearean theatre.
Hamlet: Perhaps the most iconic quote of Hamlet, in association with women, would have to be “Frailty thy name is woman” from Hamlet’s first soliloquy. This quote not only gives great insight to Hamlet’s sentiments regarding the marriage, but the Renaissance interpretation of women as well.In the play women are frail and submissive as well as obedient to the men around them. There are only
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Katherine is regarded as possibly being ‘a stark mad wench’ by Tranio upon her first encounter with her, Katherine actively deviates from her chosen gender role and becomes an unwoman if you will by Katherine’s wild and difficult nature that the men cannot control. Despite this she becomes ‘tamed’ (hence the title) at the end by Petruchio although this has been an age long dispute over whether her final speech is satirical and sardonic rather than

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