Group Intervention Framework

Improved Essays

The use of group intervention by occupational therapists under a cognitive behavioural framework.

Group intervention

Group intervention started in the early 20th century and continued development during the 1950’s due to an increased demand for therapists after the war (Weiten, 2007). The purpose of using group intervention is two-fold. The first is to provide a therapeutic service to several clients at a time. The second is to use the group itself as a therapeutic benefit for clients involved as demonstrated though Yalom’s curative aspects of groups (Weiten, 2007; Yalom & Leszcz, 2008). Group intervention can be seen as an essential aspect of an occupational therapists role within practice. The running of a group requires a number
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As a result of the importance of group development, there are a number of theorists with comparable ideas around the stages of group development. For example, the work of Tuckman’s (1965) five stages of group development, Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Reforming is a seminal piece (as cited in Cole, 2012, Duncan, 2009, Hubbell & Hubbell, 2010). Therefore, a number of theories display similar characteristics demonstrated through these four distinct stages; initial stage, conflict stage, resolution stage and final stage. The initial stage is orientation, where the group develops structure, goals and a leader. The conflict stage is where the group struggles against the leader and each person vies for dominance. The resolution stage is where the group develops harmony, and cohesiveness. The final stage is the outcome, where a mature group is formed which works with high cohesiveness and a commitment to meeting the goals (Cole, 2012) Group culture

The culture of a group is established when the group norms are developed and group members roles are established (Cole, 2012). By implementing group norms, a group culture is created that allows for effective group interaction. Therefore, group culture defines how the group members interact
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Three key aspects of CBT include: domain of concern, origins of dysfunction and goals of intervention. The domain of concern of CBT is that when irrational thoughts of a person are modified, behaviour will follow (Froggatt, 2006). The origins of dysfunction are classified as faulty thinking patterns. Additionally there are two goals of intervention. The first is to adjust a person’s behaviour, though changing their thoughts and any attitudes and values they hold. This is achieved by utilising a method of self observation, which encourages the freedom to determine what they think (Froggatt, 2006). The second is to adjust a person 's uncomfortable feelings, by helping the person understand the feelings in proportion to the experiences (Froggatt, 2006). The role of the occupational therapist incorporates the three areas of educator, scientist and

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