To illustrate, in chapter 5 when the dragon states, “Can’t you see yourself? You stimulate them? You make them think and scheme. You drive them to poetry, science, religion, all that makes them what they are for as long as they last”(Gardner 72-73). This goes to show that Grendel’s personality has changed him to become self centered. Since Grendel now feels the people orchestrate their life around himself, his changed personality makes him feel confident. Therefore, the dragon changed the way Grendel viewed certain things affecting his personality. In addition, when Grendel gets attacked by the bull Grendel states, “I create the whole universe, blink by blink”(Gardner 22), showing Grendel has changed in a way for him to come realize he has entered the adult world. When Grendel mentions “I create the whole universe” shows he has become more confident in himself being around humans knowing they are dangerous. This goes to explain Grendel knows what a threat he holds to the
To illustrate, in chapter 5 when the dragon states, “Can’t you see yourself? You stimulate them? You make them think and scheme. You drive them to poetry, science, religion, all that makes them what they are for as long as they last”(Gardner 72-73). This goes to show that Grendel’s personality has changed him to become self centered. Since Grendel now feels the people orchestrate their life around himself, his changed personality makes him feel confident. Therefore, the dragon changed the way Grendel viewed certain things affecting his personality. In addition, when Grendel gets attacked by the bull Grendel states, “I create the whole universe, blink by blink”(Gardner 22), showing Grendel has changed in a way for him to come realize he has entered the adult world. When Grendel mentions “I create the whole universe” shows he has become more confident in himself being around humans knowing they are dangerous. This goes to explain Grendel knows what a threat he holds to the