Hrothgar was a good king and example of how to act for Beowulf. When Herot was being terrorized by Grendel, Hrothgar lost faith in God and “sacrificed to the old stone gods”(175) and “Made heathen vows”(176) because he was determined to keep his people safe at any cost. This is a king’s job, not a warrior’s job; a warrior like Beowulf should stay faithful to God no matter what because his strength was “ ‘God’s gracious gift’ “(2181). It is also not a king’s duty to fight for himself; that is the job of his warriors. However, this went against Beowulf’s ambition to “ ‘shape glory with Hrunting, or death/ Will hurry [him] from this earth’ ”(1490-1491). Beowulf could never quench his desire for battle, even when he was king. When the dragon finally came to threaten the Geats, Beowulf was “old/ With years and wisdom(2208-2209), and he had gone “fifty winters”(2209) without using his strength. He still felt that “ ‘In every battle [his] place was in front’ “(2497), and wanted to take on the dragon himself even though he knew that he would “[Fight] with fate against him”(2574). Beowulf succeeded in keeping his people safe during his reign, but could not resist fighting for himself instead of letting his warriors protect
Hrothgar was a good king and example of how to act for Beowulf. When Herot was being terrorized by Grendel, Hrothgar lost faith in God and “sacrificed to the old stone gods”(175) and “Made heathen vows”(176) because he was determined to keep his people safe at any cost. This is a king’s job, not a warrior’s job; a warrior like Beowulf should stay faithful to God no matter what because his strength was “ ‘God’s gracious gift’ “(2181). It is also not a king’s duty to fight for himself; that is the job of his warriors. However, this went against Beowulf’s ambition to “ ‘shape glory with Hrunting, or death/ Will hurry [him] from this earth’ ”(1490-1491). Beowulf could never quench his desire for battle, even when he was king. When the dragon finally came to threaten the Geats, Beowulf was “old/ With years and wisdom(2208-2209), and he had gone “fifty winters”(2209) without using his strength. He still felt that “ ‘In every battle [his] place was in front’ “(2497), and wanted to take on the dragon himself even though he knew that he would “[Fight] with fate against him”(2574). Beowulf succeeded in keeping his people safe during his reign, but could not resist fighting for himself instead of letting his warriors protect