Giovanni's Essay: What Does It Mean To Be American?

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What does it mean to be American? Does it mean to live in a society which is based on the pillar that everyone deserves a chance? Or, is it one where everyone is driven by the notion of greed? It may be both. Giovanni states that despite our current catastrophes, America is a beacon shining the way for other nations– but, only from living in foreign nations does she realize to embrace her American ways.
In order for Giovanni to convey her message, she relies heavily on using personal. anecdotes. For example, she first left the United States in order to pursue her dreams as a journalist in London. Eventually her first perception of America developed, it was not a positive one. According to foreigners, Americans were full of avarice. When she applied for a journalist position, the recruiter rejected her, claiming that she lacked necessary
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Now, she wanted to return to America being attracted to the sense of opportunity it possess, it is the country that is the most flexible. The rest of the anecdotes are describing how America is the best nation because it gives their people the most rights. As a result, it shows us how she started her argument with her counter-argument by describing the flaws of our arrogant society. However, the rest of the opinion is used to develop her latest opinion on our country. Despite the majority of her friends losing hope in our country, Giovanni thinks the opposite. We detect the issues hindering us, but eventually overcome them after struggling. From her anecdotes, it demonstrates how she is credible in comparing us to different nations as she has spent half of her life outside of America. This is critical when she is developing her argument as Giovanni is well aware of what defines us

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