Gender Roles In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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The book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini tells the story of two different women, and how the lives of these two women relate and intertwine. Part two of the novel establishes parallels between the two women, and similarities as well as difference between the two characters are established. Mariam and Laila share the same only-child type of upbringing, both women are influenced by their mother’s behavior, and both women look for protection from men. Laila and Mariam grew up in similar situations, though neither of them were truly only children, they grew up in the absence of their siblings. Mariam grew up without her siblings due to the fact that she was an illegitimate child, and was not seen as equal to her half siblings. Mariam wanted nothing more …show more content…
In the same way, Mammy (Fariba) is physically there for Laila, as Jalil was, however in reality is never there for Laila, and does not fulfill all her responsibilities as a mother. Laila, however, has her father, Babi (Hakim), who cares for his daughter while her mother cannot. Furthermore, both Mariam and Laila are heavily influenced by their mother’s behaviors, and their mother’s personal suffering affects their ability to be good mothers. Mariam resented Nana for the fact that Nana did not allow her to pursue her education, and for the way she spoke of Jalil, however Mariam still, has fond memories of her mother and knows that her mother did care for her, beneath the anger and despair. Nana is unable to accept Mariam’s independence therefore physically isolates herself from Mariam’s life, which alters Mariam’s life entirely. Whereas, Laila resents her mother for the fact that her mother isolates herself from the family due to the fact that she misses her sons, and later is grieving for her sons, however, Laila finds happiness in days that her mother will be in a good mood, and act like her old

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