Gang Initiation Essay

Improved Essays
Because of growing up in Long Beach California, I have witnessed the gang initiation process and I’ am very familiar with gang like characteristics. Although I did not refer to a research study project, im willing to give you the knowledgeable content of gang characteristics I have personally seen while growing up as a juvenile. The typical signs and characteristics of an up and coming juvenile gang member can differentiate. Most gang members are recognized by certain types of clothing they wear and certain colors. For example, a common crypt would wear blue as their primary color with clothing article such as bandanas or certain snap back hats with their gang logo or if not; simply the color they represent. Secondly, Other commonly known characteristics …show more content…
Most juveniles involved in gangs show violent emotionless behavior when in the process of initiation to prove to their leaders their loyal, trustworthy, and will die for their brotherhood. One of the various ways of gang initiation can vary by choice. For example, if you would like to join; some members suggest you fight a group of the strongest members all by yourself vs them. They key is to last a certain number of minutes while getting brutally beat while they show no mercy. Other more terrifying and bold ways would be to rob someone or a business and if a female you can let a group of guys do what’s called “running a train on you”. If you are unfamiliar with that, it disturbingly means you let a group of guy’s gang bang you to join the gang. In addition, commonly known reasons why juveniles join gangs is because they long for a sense of brotherhood and companionship from having lack of family or family time experience. Other reasons can be for revenge purposes. For example, if the minor loss a friend to a drive by shooting that can spark a fury of rage and make that child want to join a gang in seek the perpetrator. Lastly, other reasons can be because they grew up in that environment and its all they know. Some kids do it because their parents

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