Always Running has a good example of this Social issue which is Gang affiliation, Luis who is the main character of the book is surrounded …show more content…
But this book shines in spots such as the way Luis overcomes his obstacles, no matter how deep he has dug himself, he eventually finds a way to dig himself out of the hole. Luis himself has overcame many things in life such as the life of the Vida Loca, his time as a gang member and also being discriminated day in and day out by anglos in the neighborhood. He has went through all that and still managed to write this award winning book and to become a very good author. “ There are choices you have to make, not just once but every time they come up” Luis rodriguez pg 198. To me this is a very deep quote, it has a very strong message behind it. But the real significance of this quote is the matter at hand, that choices can come up at anytime. The message behind this quote itself is self explaining the choices that Luis had made during his life and that any choice can come up at anytime. “ You have a worth outside of a job, outside the "jacket" imposed on you since birth.” Luis Rodriguez Pg 187. The Importance of this quote is saying that life and even yourself is to important to just throw away in the garbage. The message of this quote is that no matter what, nothing is worth more than you yourself. No issue was to much for Luis he stood strong for himself that others could not do etc. This just shows how self confident he was throughout the book. In conclusion fiction is to me needed by many in our curriculum, it’s a exploration of creativity created by other people. Some people forget that each fiction book is different due to the authors creativeness, Non fiction however sometimes has the same conflict or social issue, as for fiction its always gonna be a new experience. Always Running is a book that is trying to tell us not to make the same mistake as Luis did, which is joining a