Friar Lawrence is the most to blame for the events that occur in Romeo and Juliet because he married Romeo and Juliet. After Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, he says this just before the scene ended, “Wisely, and Slow. They stumble who run fast (Shakespeare, 2.3.94).” The quote has evidence that Friar is to blame because he is telling Romeo to be careful in his marriage. Marriages are broke for those who rush it and don’t give it time. Friar agrees to marry them anyway even though it might not be a healthy marriage because he was desperate for the reunion of the Capulets and Montagues. If he hadn’t married them, or married them in secret that is, maybe she wouldn’t have been so close to Romeo. Perhaps she would’ve broadened her options and not have killed herself over Romeo. Paris was willing to Marry her. If she would’ve spent more time before getting married she …show more content…
Friar Lawrence says this to Juliet while making the potion, “If thou hast the strength to slayest thyself...take thou this warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest (Shakespeare, 4. 1.74, 96, 101).” Juliet in her youth depended on Friar’s plan to work. They were both so desperate that they would do anything to achieve what they desired. He is asking her if she has the strength to do something she doesn’t even contemplate yet. Therefore, Friar is also responsible for the many tragedies in Romeo and Juliet because he gave Juliet the sleeping