One study sought to evaluate distance to a grocery store and possible association of obesity. 1,372 households were interviewed and surveyed based on food preferences, demographic and socioeconomic data, Body Mass Index (BMI), and shopping behaviors. Participants had no grocery store in their community and were of low-income status, largely of African American decent, with 46% being obese. Information was attained on were participants did most of their grocery shopping, where food audits were then performed to assess nutritious food availability, produce prices, …show more content…
They surveyed the parents of these children to assess fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity in the home at baseline and post introduction of a full-service supermarket. Results showed that healthier family nutrition and physical activity was linked to a positive association of healthier dietary patterns in children and a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, having access to a new supermarket had a positive association of fruit and vegetable access in the home