Children are developing bad eating habits that could be passed on to their future children and then on to their future children, as eating habits are learned through seeing and experiencing, so this is a continuous cycle that will affect future generations. Not to mention, what someone eat can influence our mood and thoughts so, the more fat someone eats causes their brain to become inflamed. The inflammations of the brain links to an increase of mental illness such as depression and Alzheimer’s (Lauren M. Harding). While, if someone eats fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, the inflammation of the brain will be minimized, and therefore reducing their chances of having a mental illness. This proves that food deserts have more of an impact than what most people …show more content…
Food deserts contribute to obesity, as people replace produce with less nutritious options and fast food. More importantly, the current solutions, including farmers markets and community gardens, are reducing the number of food deserts. Every solution implemented so far has strengths and weaknesses, but either way, the number of food deserts are slowly decreasing, which will have a positive impact on