Flint Water Problem

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Flint, one of the largest cities in Michigan, has been recently in news for its very high lead concentration in drinking water. The problem started when the city temporarily changed its water source as a cost saving measure. Lead in Flint’s municipal water came from the old lead pipes, which reacted with highly corrosive Flint River water in the absence of proper treatment measures. Lead concentration in Flint water is found to be so high that it can be easily considered as hazardous waste. Although, the residents of Flint were complaining about their water from the very beginning, neither the local and the state government nor the EPA considered that as a problem. It came out that Flint does not comply with federal law and does not use the basic corrosive control in water treatment process. Flint residents had to wait for a long time and walk a long road of patience for the recognition and establishment of the problem. In a nutshell, Flint water crisis is attributable to a combination of negligence, bad decision making and poor management practices. Prudent and efficient environmental management could have averted this devastating public health disaster. …show more content…
Therefore, analysis of the Flint water crisis is an excellent choice to understand and garnish our knowledge on efficient environmental management, which is of paramount importance to solve pressing environmental management

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