Fahrenheit 451 Setting Essay

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Setting of the book
The book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is set in the 24th century and depicts an imagined futuristic society in the US. The norms of this society is defined with overpopulation, fast cars that the author christens jet cars, large televisions are a common feature in most of the houses and people listen to radios attached to their ears. The TV sets serves as the main source of entertainment and also used by the government to spread propaganda. Family life as we know it today is non-existent and the TV appears to have taken the place of family. It is also apparent that the autonomy of the citizens has been curtailed. The people do not think independently and rarely have any meaningful conversations among themselves. Reading books is no longer something that people do
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This is ironic since his role as a firefighter involves burning books and paper. Through Montag however, the author is able to illustrate the kind of brainwashing that the society has gone through. However, after he is enlightened about the real history of firemen and books, he begins to question his loyalty to his profession. He begins to have a different perspective towards books. He begins to rebel against his superiors and even sets his supervisor on fire. This actions, which the author suggests take place involuntarily; depict the suppressed frustrations that Montag has bottled up inside him. Mildred Montag is also another key figure in Fahrenheit 451 and who is also having emotional trouble. This is clear as she attempts to commit suicide. She is cold and distant suggesting years of loneliness since the people no longer have any conversations but instead spend a lot of time watching television. Mildred, Guy’s wife illustrates a woman with emotional, spiritual or intellectual substance and the only attachment is to the characters on TV soap operas (Harcourt,

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