Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

Superior Essays
Bradbury's Societal Concerns Ray Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451 (451), one of the most challenged books, had many of concerns for the future. With his own society changing he believed that the future societies, or our society, would be on a decline. There is still much to be learned from Bradbury’s book, but there are a lot of similarities between our society and the one Bradbury fears will be coming. Four concerns Bradbury had were the loss of education, individuality, human interaction, and the difference between the lies and the truth.
The average student in America spends about six to seven hours a day in school, and they take Common Core classes such as literacy, writing, arithmetic, science, and history. This is supposed to help students succeed in the business world. However, in 451, Bradbury makes a point to say children learn nothing at school. Teachers say they’ll never spoonfeed
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For instance in 451 the topic of what a fireman was originally keeps getting brushed over. Clarisse, and Montag have both asked if fireman had originally put out fires rather than starting them. Perhaps the worst lie within this one is in Bradbury’s society’s American history. “Established, 1790, to burn English-Influenced books in the Colonies. First Fireman: Benjamin Franklin” (Bradbury 34). In our society Benjamin Franklin is known as a man who started volunteer fire stations to put out fires and in fact wrote a few books himself. So, the idea that Mr. Franklin would do something such as be the first fireman to burn books is a completely absurd thought. This is why such a lie being true is a horrible possibility, but is a harsh reality in 451. It’s even more dreadful that people believe the lie as if it were the truth, simply because they know no different. This shows that there is no longer a line dividing the two

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