For example, after the pots fall from the shelf because of their dance, Roethke writes “My mother’s countenance/Could not unfrown itself.” (line 7 and 8) Although the word romped gives the action a negative connotation, it means to play roughly and energetically. Stanza two also gets a negative connotation because the mother is unhappy with their actions. Tying in this stanza with the underlying metaphor, the mother may be unhappy with their relationship only once something goes wrong. Roethke uses stanza two to convey the idea that they father and son got along at one point until something …show more content…
In both cases, Roethke describes the hands of a laborer or fighter. Stanza three describes the hands as “battered on one knuckle” and stanza four outlines the hands as “caked hard by dirt.” (lines 10 and 14) Both quotes elicit the idea that the father lives a rough life, filled with fighting and hard work. The imagery of the father’s hands adds to the metaphor because it creates the father to be a rugged individual. Roethke also references the child hanging onto the father twice throughout the poem. Both instances create the idea that the son has been striving to keep a relationship with his father, even though it has hurt him and made the mother sad at