The usage of the word battered goes along with the word beat when speaking of violence. The reader is now aware that this is not a simple poem about a dance. It is a story of mixed emotions during the time this young boy is growing up with his Father. Despite the roughness and the speed of the waltz the young boy never once complains. The young boy may not enjoy what his Father is doing but he accepts his Father’s actions because this waltz maybe the only time he and his Father are able to spend time
The usage of the word battered goes along with the word beat when speaking of violence. The reader is now aware that this is not a simple poem about a dance. It is a story of mixed emotions during the time this young boy is growing up with his Father. Despite the roughness and the speed of the waltz the young boy never once complains. The young boy may not enjoy what his Father is doing but he accepts his Father’s actions because this waltz maybe the only time he and his Father are able to spend time