When putting together a team as a level three leader one must take a hard look within themselves because being a level three leader means that …show more content…
The storming process is when conflict arises and people jockey for positions of power and status. A leader has to have a connection with their team so they can discuss different issues but the leader also has to be stern enough that the team knows that they are still a team working towards a common goal and that each of them brings something to the table. As a leader you have to let them team know that their time will come where they move up the corporate ladder as long as they work hard. Therefore, once the team has been formed and the storming has been settled the next step would be norming where the leader as well as the team comes up with their VABES as a way to resolve issues that may arise once the team starts their assignment. Which is great for a level three leader because this step concedes with what he too believes in. Bateman and Snell said, “Norming where a group of members agree on their shared goals, norms (VABES), and closer relationships develop” (2012, …show more content…
Therefore, at this step the team knows what they have to do assignment wise as well by now have been comfortable with working on the assignment. At this stage Clawson said, “Individual roles and interpersonal relationships become clear and comfortable” (2012, p.268). By now, the members have stop challenging their purpose within the group and have solely focused on getting their perspective job done. There are still possible issues that could arise for instance the team member can become so stable with their role that it becomes dull and almost routine like. However, if this happens it means that the leader did not give a sense of urgency and excitement within the early stages thus has now led to a problem in the later stages of the assignment for team