It’s a strange concept, isn’t it? To say that one race is somehow genetically superior to another. It dates back to slavery, in which, in the most simplistic way possible, white people descended on America, and, in the same way that they claimed the country’s soil as their own; individuals were declared the property of other people. This, to the vast majority of modern citizens, would be unthinkable.
I mean, the very concept of dictating who has the right to marry and who has somehow forfeited that prerogative based on their race is utterly barbaric.
Let’s talk about the America Civil War. By the 1850’s, it was becoming increasingly clear that slavery was not a sustainable concept. America’s Northern states had already relinquished their slaves; it was the south, the fundamentally traditionalist South, that had the issue. So much so in fact that the Confederate States were formed, a coalition which included: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. in 1861. The concept was thus: that these states rejected President Lincoln’s proposition to emancipate the slaves. In fact, they believed in their ideology to the extent that they were prepared to declare war on, well, anyone in America who happened to disagree with them. Now, why was that a fundamentally ludicrous idea? (We’re talking the Nazis invading Russia level of atrocious.) The South was woefully unprepared for warfare of any kind; a Civil War was never a feasible option. There were little to no factories available to them, meaning that production of weaponry would be impossible. And, strangely enough, it’s rather hard to win a war without equipment equal to that of your rivals’. There’s also the fact that the individuals against slavery- the marginally less racist states- vastly outnumbered the Confederate States. Sadly an ideology that you believe to be the unquestioned truth isn’t enough to triumph in warfare. Shocking, I know. Anyway, long story short, Abraham Lincoln’s forces triumphed, and slavery was officially abolished in America in the year 1865, with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, stating: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.” This was a momentous victory for a country which had lived with the culture of slavery since 1619, when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. The issue of course, lay with the fact that a Supreme Court ruling and an amendment to the Constitution aren’t going to suddenly overnight alter the opinion of the Confederate States, and those people who were against the abolition of slavery. Its attitudes such as the aforementioned which prompt the formation of hate groups against, well, anyone who disagreed with them, really. (The KKK are basically the 19th century equivalent of the Waterboro Baptist Church’s vendetta against homosexuality- just on a far larger scale.) The KKK was officially formed on December 24th, 1865. (That’s just after the end of the Civil War.) They adorned the… distinguished *cough* ridiculous *cough* white hoods, and spent the vast majority of their time preaching hatred towards not only African Americans, but also anyone who expressed their support for them. Pastimes of what really should be considered a terrorist organisation included: burning crosses as a death threat outside of the homes of African-Americans, the lynching of men, women …show more content…
There was a documentary on Channel Four in the UK a few days ago, explaining the modern Klan, and ow quickly the membership was apparently rising.
There are so many things fundamentally wrong with the fact that its existence continues. I mean, really, how exactly do the white hoods of the Ku Klux Klan differ from the Nazi flag and solute? Yes, technically they’re just symbols, but they have connotations. In the same way that the Nazi flag reminds people of the millions of Jewish, homosexual, disabled, etc, people who were brutally murdered under Adolf Hitler’s tyrannical reign, the KKK’s symbols have a history of racism to the extreme- the horrific lynchings and murders that were carried out under the name of ‘white