With her voluptuous figure and sultry aroma, Myrtle Wilson is one of the many characters who not only deceives others, but also herself. Myrtle is married to George Wilson, the owner of an old, dirty auto shop in the Valley of Ashes. With such a low paying profession, he is unable to provide for her limitless needs of extravagant items. “I married him because I thought he was a gentlemen; I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe”(Fitzgerald 34). With her opportunistic persona, Myrtle is quickly dissatisfied with his cheap lifestyle. Eventually, she finds peace with her grand desires when she meets the supercilious, wealthy Tom Buchanan. “These people! You have to keep after them all the time!”(Fitzgerald 34). While surrounded upon Tom’s acquaintances, she tries to convince herself that she is part of the upper class; acting as a new person in the glamorous, fast-paced, world of wealth and luxury. Although her problems do not commensurate with her lover, Tom Buchanan. Tom has a much longer history of remaining unfaithful to his wife and constantly destroys the reputation of the two. Despite being married to someone as gorgeous as Daisy, Tom Buchanan has a bad record of staying unfaithful to her. …show more content…
So engaged in his affairs, he was not present for the birth of their first child. (describe perfect couple)Tom uses Daisy for her social standing and looks, consistently exhibiting her as a, “trophy wife.” Tom presumes that they are a model couple, despite the numerous amount of times he has cheated on her. “And what’s more I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time” (Fitzgerald 131). Tom and Daisy share a toxic relationship with each other only, feeding off each other’s social status and money. With his apathetic attitude, he is unconcerned with the resulting consequences of his affairs. Gatsby uses his countless number of affairs to reason with Daisy why she should leave him. With their history of a child and being together for so long, it is very rare she would ever divorce him. Although with his genuine, flamboyant personality, Gatsby too contains a long list of people he has deceived. Often masking his lies with ravishing parties and exotic possessions. In the beginning of the story he often lies to Nick about his childhood and occupation. Later, Gatsby tends to reminisce on