Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth

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Macbeth Essay

The essay topic I choose to write on is Faith vs Freewill. Faith and free will are two very big things in the play and it has a bad effect. Macbeth experiences a lot of character change throughout the play and becomes a completely different character by the end of the play because of his “faith”. This is because of the prophecy the witches have promised him. Macbeth later gets greedy and does everything he can in order to have power and become the new king Scotland. What he does is is not what he would do if the witches have not promised him his prophecy. Macbeth’s faith ends up getting the best of him as it doesn't end well for Macbeth.

In the begging of the play, Macbeth is a Scottish general who is very good in combat and
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His plan is to kill Duncan when he come over to his palace. He will kill them then he will frame the chamberlains by rubbing the blood from the daggers onto them. When Macbeth kills the chamberlains he regrets right after and we can see his kindness here. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have a conversation about the murder and Lady Macbeth says, “Why did you bring these daggers from the place? / They must lie there. Go carry them, and smear / The sleepy grooms with blood.” (Ⅱ. ii. 57-59). Macbeth who is already regretting what he done says, “I’ll go no more. / I am afraid to think what I have done. / Look on it again I dare not.” (Ⅱ. ii. 60-62). Then Lady Macbeth goes on to say, “Infirm of purpose! / Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead / are but as pictures. ’Tis the eye of childhood / That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed / I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal / For it must seem their guilt.” (Ⅱ. ii. 63-68). What just happened is that Macbeth stabbed Duncan with two daggers and bring them back to Lady Macbeth and told her he stabbed Duncan. Lady Macbeth id wondering why Macbeth has bring back the two daggers. The plan was to leave the two daggers and frame the chamberlains. So Lady Macbeth takes the daggers and rubs the blood from the daggers onto the chamberlains so people would assume that the chamberlains …show more content…
The next logical king would be one of Duncan’s sons, Donalbain and Malcolm. Both Donalbain and Malcolm are scared that they will also get killed or hurt, so Donalbain flees off to Ireland while Malcolm flees to England for their own safety. The next “issue/problem” is Banquo and his son Fleance. Banquo’s son Fleance is supposedly going to become the king of Scotland according to what the witches prophesied. Macbeth knowing this, hires three murders to and kill Banquo. So now with Banquo and Duncan dead Macbeth is getting closer to becoming king, but there is also the Thane of Scotland left, Macduff. Macduff finds out that Macbeth has killed Duncan and supects that Macbeth might be onto something, so Macduff leaves his family and goes to England to join Malcolm. Even though Macduff may have left Scotland and went to England, Macbeth hires murders to kill his wife, Lady Macduff and his sons. Macbeth hires three murders to kill Lady Macduff and her sons. After the murder of Lady Macduff and her sons, Ross goes and tell Macduff what has happened. This is were we find out that Macduff has more than one son. Ross says, “Your castle is surprised, your wife and babes / Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner / Were, on the quarry of these murdered deer / To add the death of you.” (IV. iii. 233-236). Macduff says, “My children too?” (IV. iii. 241). Ross replies, “Wife, children, servants, all that could be found.” (IV. iii.

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