Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth

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“Macbeth”, a tragedy about a Scottish soldier that stood head and shoulders above all others who one day was told that he will be the Ruler of Scotland as it all went downhill from there. Although many readers believe that free will causes Macbeth’s downfall, fate is more to blame. If it wasn’t for the witches prophecy, then Macbeth never would have betrayed Duncan because he was a very loyal soldier, but Macbeth also had a choice to believe what the witches prophecy. After Macbeth was told the prophecy by the witches he had two choices, to either believe it or to disregard what the witches said. This is where free will comes into play, Macbeth had many chances and opportunities to do what he thought fit. In Act 1 Scene 3 after the witches tell him the prophecy Macbeth steps aside “I am thane of Cawdor. If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair…”. In this moment in the play Macbeth is recapping from what had just happened and he came to the conclusion that he would have to kill King Duncan to become the Thane of Cawdor. As a result Macbeth decided on his own free will that he would do this. Later in Act 3 Scene 1 Macbeth makes a pretty bold choice, “So is he mine; and in such bloody distance That every minute of his being thrusts Against my near’st of life”. In this part of the play Macbeth is hiring 2 …show more content…
Although I do believe that fate has its part in Macbeth’s reasoning but if it wasn’t for his free will nothing would have ever happened. Macbeth made his choices because he was power hungry and wanted to be on the top. As soon as Macbeth got on the throne he went psycho and he wouldn’t stop killing his threats. All in all fate had a little role in Macbeth’s choices but if free will is what lead him right into the

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