European Exploration In The New World

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Beginning in the early fifteenth century Europeans began to explore. Competition between European empires, such as Spain and England, fueled the evolution and advancement of overseas exploration. Motivated by religion, profit, and power, the size and influence of European empires expanded greatly. The effects of exploration were not only felt abroad but also within Europe’s surroundings. The economic, political, and cultural effects of Europe’s beginning stages exploration impacted the long- development the both European society.

People have found a new found faith and respect for the Church. Europeans now want to spread Christianity to other parts of the world because they believe that they can save souls through Christian salvation and that it was their duty to do so. The more people that are controlled by Christianity the more power the religion will have thus the better chance for world domination for Europe. Wealth was also another motivation
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These include economic, political, and religious incentives. The growing desire to fulfill European demand for luxury goods, and the desire to for precious materials such as gold and silver, acted also as a crucial motivation. Christian salvation and the strong belief in religion is yet another reason for exploration. Europeans have many motives for exploration and territorial expansion.

After Columbus discovered the New World, different European empires followed, exploring the continent in search of new lands to settle. Native Americans have split into many different groups with their own local cultures and traditions. They don’t completely lose touch with one another, however they maintain contact through complex trade networks stretching across the continent. European settlers however interact with the native peoples in different ways. The settlement of the Europeans has had a tremendous effect on the Native Americans living there at the

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