Eudaimonia's Virtue Ethics In The Mahabharata

Superior Essays
In Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, he searched for the answers to questions about life such as: “How should we live?” and “What would be a good human life?” He postulated the highest good in life to be happiness, otherwise known as Eudaimonia. Eudaimonia can be defined as a rational activity coalescing with arête (a virtue of character). Aristotle concluded that a good human life must be worked at, and would consist of someone achieving Eudaimonia coupled with the practice of temperance and continence. In the Mahabharata, the eldest brother, Yudhistira, prominently displays all of these characteristics of Aristotle’s defined virtue ethics. Throughout the book, Yudhistira consistently adapted and overall betters himself as an individual. Yudhistira’s …show more content…
These decisions essentially create a “gray area” in Yudhistira’s modeling of virtue ethics because he is keeping true to his utmost important values while sacrificing others. An example of this gray area is during the dice match that ensued in Durodhana’s newly built palace. Although Yudhistira is succumbing to his temptations of gambling and failing to display continence, he chooses to continue the dice match against one of the most deceitful men in Duryodhana’s kingdom. This may seem counterintuitive to virtue ethics, but he is obeying his own ethics by not turning down an invitation to the dice match not only once, but twice. The most controversial scene of Yudhistira’s actions within the book is shortly after the dice match when he gambled away his own wife Draupadi. Dussasana brings her up from the chambers and mockery of Draupadi instantly ensues. Dussasana even goes as far to begin disrobing her in front of the King and his men while Yudhistira does nothing about the situation. Although Yudhistira knows that the atrocities happening to his wife go against what he believes in, his principles of respecting authority are far more important to him than his wife. Draupadi, later on in the book, chastises Yudhistira, “You are known for your virtuous outlook in the three worlds. It seems to me that you would sooner abandon me and your brothers than abandon your principles.” (78). This further shows that Yudhistira is so enveloped within his principles that even other characters in the book take

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