Do you ever feel helpless to protect you rights in society for the reason for who you are?The civil rights movement movement inspired many others and yet they were different and that same for other reasons. Their rights are limited in society and have gone through many objectives to state their rights that they have now and are proud that they change their appearance in society to a common individual nowadays.Not everyone is guaranteed the rights that we hold today or any other day for that matter. In our societies we have gain our reputation in society from the elders of our group that have also inspired others bring equal rights to a new meaning every century. African Americans and LGBT community fought for their rights as a whole for their rights as equal citizens in similar battles and relatable rights. Social views of homosexuality in the United States has been a major improvement within the years. “Society as a whole has become more accepting of gays and lesbians.”Studies have been shown that from 2003 to 2013 that there has been a major increase of acceptance for LGBT members. With numbers also increasing that parents say that they would not be upset if there kin came out as gay. LGBT members have been more and more accepted in the nation as within the years as american rather than being considered than being known as slanderds in the nation which is a step closer to uniting the nation as a whole. Social on blacks/African Americans has grown high with laws and social interaction with the many years since the civil rights movement. In many cases african americans prefer that they use the term “blacks.” The points are that many of them do not come from africa, that they were born in america and prefer black or …show more content…
The civil rights started between 1955-1968 as non violent and had escalated to a more violent movement not because of the protesters, but from everyone else. One of the major leaders of the this movement was Martin Luther King Jr. and the NAACP that had fought for the social acceptance and rights that they have now.
The fight for the LGBT community in modern times has been showing stronger and bigger acceptance in the government. Within this year 2015 same sex marriage was legalized and marriage benefits for the community. In September 2011 the Don't Ask Don't Tell ban was lifted in america that had banned LGBT members from the military. In 2009 Sexual orientation was just now added to the list of Federal hate crimes and civilian workforce.
The fight for racial desegregation has been more active and others say that the president is the reason of the recent racial problems that the nation has received. Many say that racial conflict has been dormant in the nation and now showing more of a stronger life line. Many had thought that the age of early racism was a dying breed, but the truth is that it has not and that younger age groups have been showing signs of a bombing racial generations. “It’s possible that these attitudes are simply driven by an individual’s pessimism. Maybe they feel that all people, white and black, are