The Black Death is widely known as terrible and physiological pains that europeans went through, but what people do not know is that more good actually came out of it. Many people think about the plague was an epidemic that swept most of Europe. As casualties counts were high so were ideas. The plague introduced brand new medical, technology, and geographical advancements to the mid 1300s and they also bettered the future.
Even with these horrific things happening good came out of the plague as well. Since many people were dying so doctors were trying really hard to understand the disease. From this learning, medicine became very important after the Black Death. Medical textbooks were published in vernacular languages such as English, German, French and Italian instead of Latin. Ordinary people now had access to medical guides and could start taking care of themselves (Giblin 44). This increased hygiene all through Europe. In the book “When Plague Strikes” by, James Cross Giblin, he mentions that in medicine there was a new emphasis on what was called the “Scientific Method”. The book also said, “Rather than rely on answers from some higher authority, followers of this method put forward a …show more content…
The Black Death had many disadvantages, such as Anti-Semitism. After being blamed for the Black Death, the Jewish community was attacked. They were burned at the stake or attacked by mobs. Another disadvantage of the Black Death was the shift in the economy (Black Death, Britannica). Nobles were used to having hundreds of serfs on their farms and so after the plague they were faced with a shortage of labor because of the death of the serfs. The people who survived noticed that there was no market for crops which led to agricultural prices falling (Giblin 41). These are just a few of the disadvantages but the bad is outweighed by the