There are many recruiting cases in America that involve violence. Most of these cases are connected with minorities. The majority of these minorities are African American and Hispanic. There is an extreme percentage of African Americans and Hispanics in prison in the U.S.A. There is also an extreme percent of African Americans and Hispanics living in poverty. African Americans and Hispanics are in the lowest percentile in education in America. There are more African Americans in jail, living in poverty and victims of violent crimes than the majority race in America. What are the factors that connect African Americans and Hispanics to these inferior situations? Poverty, discrimination, …show more content…
Appreciable portions of the Hispanic–White gap (33%) and the Black– White gap (53%) were accounted for by family background factors, individual differences, and neighborhood factors. The findings imply that programs aimed at addressing the risk factors for exposure to violence and alleviating the effects of exposure to violence may decrease racial/ethnic disparities in exposure to violence and its consequences” (Zimmerman & Messner, 2013).
The studies therefore, show the impact that family background and exposure to violence has on children and adolescents.
“First, research has demonstrated that a variety of family characteristics, such as residential instability, low socioeconomic status (SES), and nontraditional family structure, are associated with exposure to violence. Racial/ ethnic differences in exposure to these family factors (e.g., the high prevalence of low-income, single-parent households in Black communities) could be responsible for higher rates of exposure to violence among racial minorities” (Zimmerman & Messner, 2013).
These are all external factors that the children are born into and do not have any control over. This adds to the never ending cycle trap that prevents African Americans and Hispanics to prosper in