1984 …show more content…
In the beginning of the book, Winston talks about the Ministry of Love, which was a branch of the ministries for work, and how frightening it was. “...the Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order;...the Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. Winston had never been inside the Ministry of Love, nor within half a kilometer of it...Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons (Orwell 5).” How can a place called the Ministry of Love be so frightening? Love is supposed to be a wonderful feeling. It should bring you joy not fear. In the book, Winston talks about his mother and sister, and how she sacrificed their lives for his out of the love of her heart (30). This memory could be considered a reason as to why Winston was different from the rest of the people in Oceania. He had experienced and remembered one of the most everlasting gestures of humanity, the love a mother has towards her child. This form of love made Winston dangerous to the Party (Parascandola). The people in Oceania were cheated of this feeling. They had been brainwashed to forget such things. “...Always in your stomach and in your skin there was a sort of protest, a feeling that you had been cheated of something that you had a right to…(Orwell 59)” Winston recognized this and tried his hardest to uncover …show more content…
They tried to remove all physical attraction from the minds of the people. “The aim of the Party was not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control. Its real undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act. Not love so much as eroticism was the enemy, inside marriage as well as outside it…(Orwell 65)” They did not want people to feel these feelings because they were things the Party could not control. They made the people believe that the process of making children was their duty to the Party (Orwell 66). The Party did not want the people to experience the feeling of making love because they could not control it. “When you make love you’re using up energy; and afterwards you feel happy and don’t give a damn for anything. They can’t bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time… If you’re happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three-Year-Plans, and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot (Orwell 133)?” Winston and Julia recognized this and used this to their