Ellen Barry's Essay Tennessee Judge Tells Immigrant Mothers

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Language Discrimination in America Language discrimination is taking place here in America. Specifically, by forcing individuals who chose to live and work in America to speak English or face sanctions, such as losing parental rights or their jobs is wrong. In the essay, “Tennessee Judge Tells Immigrant Mothers: Learn English or Else,” by Ellen Barry, the author explains how Judge Barry Tatum of Tennessee is mandating immigrant mothers who come before him, to learn English or risk losing their children. Removing a child or children from their parents should be based solely on whether neglect or abuse is proven, not the inability of the mother to speak English. Although English is the official language in America it should not allow judges …show more content…
My parents didn’t speak English, but that didn’t lessen their ability to be great parents. The language a parent speaks should not be the basis a judge uses to determine a parent’s ability to raise their own children. It’s outrageous, that a judge can use the courtroom to threaten immigrant women of losing their parental rights if they don’t learn English. In one case, Judge Tatum told an 18-year-old woman from Mexico to learn English and use birth control. Unbelievable! I believe the woman should be the one to decide whether she wants to use birth control or learn English, not the Judge. Although, it’s a necessity and helpful to speak English if a person decides to live in America, it shouldn’t be forced upon them. Additionally, in a separate case, Judge Tatum tells a Mexican mother, with an eleven-year-old daughter, that if she doesn’t make the effort to learn English in six months she runs the risk of losing any connection with her daughter forever. What! There is something flawed in our legal system when a Judge can order the termination of parental rights because a mother doesn’t speak English. I firmly disagree with Judge Tatum, and the sanctions he imposes on immigrant

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