Eating Disorders In Men Research Paper

Improved Essays
Eating Disorders in Men

Describe the Article This article goes in depth explaining eating disorder in men. In the article it highlights that there is a growing rise in men with eating disorders. Research has found that men with eating disorders struggle with different issues than women with eating disorders do. Not all of the symptoms and issues are different; there are some common problems that both genders struggle with but men also have some different issues than women with eating disorders. Issues with men that have eating disorders include their weight history, sexual abuse and other traumatic experiences in their life, gender orientation, depression and shame, exercise and body image, co-morbid chemical dependency, and media pressures. This article includes information explaining how men with eating disorders are under-diagnosed, undertreated, and misunderstood. Men with eating disorders are often under-diagnosed or go without being diagnosed because of the stigma attached eating disorders being a problem women only should have and it makes a man not be masculine if he has an eating disorder. Men with eating disorders are undertreated; statistics show that in 2005, 10 percent of people with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are males. In 2007 that statistic rose to 25 percent, and this is most likely a lower statistic than what it should be because many men do not get treated for their eating disorder. Men with eating disorders are misunderstood to be gay or feminine because it is associated with women and people do not think that men have eating disorders. One thing that is different to this article compared to other articles is that it is more of a summary of different studies that have been done in the past rather than a study over one specific concern. It highlights important research articles that are relevant to men with eating disorders, and also focuses on important statistics that support and explain why men have eating disorders. Research Question driving the article This article is not like a typical research article that includes a study being completed about a certain question. It embodies the societal issues of men with eating disorders that have been completed in past studies. One of the questions that this article focuses on answer is why eating disorders are preserved to be a disorder that women only have. The article answers this question by explaining that there is an immense stigma for men with eating disorders. Also people often times believe that people with eating disorders are women that want become thinner, which is not always true for men. Males with eating disorders do not always focus on becoming as thin as they possible can be. They sometimes focus on growing muscle mass and looking more masculine. Another question that this article focuses on is what are different issues for men that have eating disorders obtain. Weight history is an issue to
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Many people do not think of eating disorders as something that is found in men, and men hide the fact that they have an eating disorder because of the shame and stigma that is attached to it. Bringing awareness to the topic of men having eating disorder can help with the stigma that is attached to it and promote society to understand and accept that men can have eating disorders too.
The article also brings to light that not all people have the same issues related to eating disorders. Men have different issues than women. The article talks about the different struggles that increase the chances of having an eating disorder or what men with an eating disorder have. These results are important because it helps point out different symptoms and issue that can help somebody realize why they might have an eating disorder and to know the different issues that correlate with eating disorders. These results about the issues that are found in men with eating disorders can help men that do not have eating disorder realize what types of issues that could cause the risk of contracting an eating disorder in the future, or it could help somebody notice if a friend or family member could possible have an eating disorder by owning the issues and

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