Bureaucratic control is part of why this society is dystopian. The producers of the show have the power to control Truman’s life. They control who talks to him and what he does with his life. The producers can do anything to Truman without consequence. The corporation producing the show legally adopted Truman before birth. They have the right to film him and have been violating his privacy since birth. The show also made ways to keep Truman on the Island. Every time he would to go too far out of his town, he would run into fake traffic or encounter fake disasters. When Truman was starting to figure out he was in a fake life, he went in a car and tried to escape which lead to a “wildfire” that almost caught his car on fire. Truman is not allowed to leave and the people controlling the …show more content…
The corporation has installed over five thousand hidden cameras on the set of the show. These cameras broadcast every aspect of Truman’s life live to everyone who wants to watch. This is a violation of Truman’s privacy. Also, the corporation is able to control everything inside Truman’s world using technology. They control what people say with microphones and control the weather with computers. This technology makes Truman’s world even more real to him and is used to trick him into believing lies. Philosophical control also contributed to Truman’s fake