Within the documentary characters and individuals are experiencing the developmental period of adolescence. Characteristics that demonstrate adolescence period to me is being in a high school environment. The students are given the opportunity to reimagine their hometown in a different view. Students have the options of changing how they see themselves growing up and building careers. Transforming residents …show more content…
Behavior in the documentary fit well into all of the different theories. Decision making, for example, is one way many of the students in Dominguez high school made every day. From whom to date, to give into peer pressures of sexual relationships and drugs. Most of the students carried weapons to protect themselves or belonged to a gang.
Making readily decisions come very easily to adolescents at Dominguez High school. Most important they are induced by substances or other temptations available to fit in. Attention from others emerges as they enter adulthood with alternative environmental or intrusive distractions.
A stage that I felt to consider of stages a theorist, Kohlberg and his view of Moral development. Some of the students stated they didn’t see how doing a play would help them. Or students felt there was nothing more important than the basketball team and became very upset.
I reflected back on our discussion of how justice weighs on different views of moral judgment. How adolescents react when confronted with change and response. Even though choices do have consequences many don’t think with logical judgment. A majority of students feel family will not come because of differences of culture …show more content…
Realization of how life was and what it could be what a hard lesson for all to learn and teach.
I feel that in today’s society stereotyping of how children grow up in a self-destructive world can change. The choice is up to them and how they work hard for what they want. The development of the characters in OT: Our Town at Dominguez High School have the chance to make a difference. Each student expressed how the play changed them as a person.
Expressing how they cared, learning how to work together no matter ethnicity and self-growth. They came together through tough moments and connected with each other. The aspect of how vulnerable and tender kids can be despite the tough situations and neighborhoods life have given them.
The student learned from this experience how competent the are dealing with negotiating relationships, romance and dealing with parents. There is still a question of if the relationships built will really last past the end of their experiences