The driving force behind all that is wrong with Dodd-Frank is regulation rather than law. As a result, the President is using his legal authority to undo these regulations. It is this legislative shortcoming, which allows the President to act as he sees fit for the economic well-being of the country.
A Modest Beginning
Although the loophole is a large one, Trump seems content, at least for the moment, to halt the promulgation of new regulations by mandating that two be withdrawn for each new one that is promulgated. This executive order will act as a powerful brake against the proliferation of new regulations. However, what happens if undesirable regulations remain in force?
The answer rests, in part, with the results achieved under the mandates that follow in Sections 2 and 3 of the executive order. In short, this demands a review by agency heads of existing and repealed regulations to insure that increases in regulatory costs to the …show more content…
It reminds us that California's Public Investment Fund Disclosure Requirements have been in effect since January 1, 2017. This legislation mandates additional disclosures from hedge funds and other alternative investment funds that handle investments from California’s state and local public pension and retirement systems. If your firm has investments of this type, be prepared to respond to questions regarding fund fees, expenses, and performance that may go beyond the levels of transparency to which your firm is