In Sinclair’s novel The Jungle which is based of true life events of the life of people in 1906. There was a family who had moved from their home in Lithuania and mod to America. Once they were in America they got a job at a meat packing business. In the packing business there was a lot of problems. Dishonest practice came along, they did dishonest practice to survive. The books title is accurate to what life was like back then. Society classes were important back then, they would decide what you would be. The people that Jurgis meets are representative of cross-section of Chicago. The quote “I Aimed For The Public’s Heart, And… Hit It In the Stomach’ is trying to push socialism but then is interrupted by the corruption of the food industries. Practicing dishonest practices was very important back then. Dishonest practices were the way people survived. In other words, survival of the fittest. Some of the dishonest practices are the unfair working conditions. For example, in Packing Town there were no heaters and the only way you could warm up was by going to the bar. But to go into the bar you had to buy alcohol; you were not allowed to just go sit in the bar. By doing that, the meat packing business was making money and made it easier to survive because the business owned the bar as well. Jurgis starts out as a very honest man but then realizes to survive you must not be honest. He makes two trips to jail, one because he fought his wife’s boss because he raped her, and the other reason was because he got in a fight at the bar. The person who sold Jurgis his house was dishonest when he said that house was new. In reality the house was ten years old and had a bad foundation and plumbing. The title of Sinclair’s novel The Jungle is a perfect name for the book. A jungle is probably the best way to describe Chicago back then. For example, in order to survive in a jungle you must be fit for the environment you are in. That is the same for in Chicago in this time period. You must be able to handle the tough working conditions of working in a meat packing business. If you wanted to keep some of your money, you would need to learn how to deal with the harsh impact of the cold. So that you don’t have to go to the bar and buy alcohol just to warm up. You could look at it as if the owners were the predators and the workers were the prey. The animals in the jungle must fight or be able to adapt and hide from the predators trying to eat them. You can see Jurgis being treated as an animal when he is put behind bars as if he …show more content…
Sinclair’s point of writing this novel was to try to get socialism but the people start worrying more about the health problems and forgets about socialism. Something came from this book and that is the Health Act. The Health Act was where the government came in and started to check everything and started to be involved in more things. So when it says “I Aimed For The Public’s Heart’ I means that they were trying to get socialism across. The second half means that instead of getting socialism across they got people’s attention by the Health act. This is how many of the food industries became more well known. They would have cleaner areas and would treat their workers well. Sinclair’s novel The Jungle is mainly about how life was back in 1906. You could see that life back in this time was not all that easy. You had to learn that not everything is as easy as counting to one, two, three. You have to actually work for things you want. Also, social class had a big effect on your life as well. Depending on which class you were in depended on what your life was going to be like. If you were more on the poor side you would have to deal with basic stuff. If you were more on the richer side you could basically do whatever you