It is no question that African Americans were treated differently before their participation in the compared to after the war. Fighting in World War II brought about many significant changes for the African American community in America.
Devil in A Blue Dress is a novel written by Walter Mosley and it was published in 1990. The novel takes place in Los Angeles in 1948, just after World War II. It begins with Easy Rawlins, sitting in his friend Joppy’s bar. Easy was just fired from his job at an airplane manufacturing plant. Easy is sitting reading a paper looking for a job. This is when white man who claims he is DeWitt Albright enters and talks to Joppy. Joppy call Easy over and this is when Albright asks Easy to find a white woman whose name is Daphne Monet. Before going into any more detail Albright gives Easy a card with his number on it