Development And Symbolism In Speak, Melinda, By Laurie Halse Anderson

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In Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak, Melinda, the protagonist, is profoundly impacted by sexual assault she experienced while at a party. Because of this scarring rape, Melinda is lonesome and depressed throughout freshman year, which was detrimental to her recovery. Ditched by her friends and having no one to help her release pain, Melinda concealed all her true emotions. However, as the novel progresses, major development and confidence begins to appear through Melinda as she begins to recognize her past. A clear theme shown through Anderson’s Speak, Melinda accepts past traumatic experiences, leading to growth and empowerment. By using symbolism, Laurie Halse Anderson expresses the theme that individuals grow and are empowered through …show more content…
Pleading for Melinda’s help, ex-friend Heather launches into a story about how much she needs Melinda to decorate prom with her this year. Considering Heather ditched Melinda to be popular, Melinda decides she was done telling lies and says, “No, I won’t help you.” (179) Melinda is now characterized as a girl who speaks her mind, as she stands up to someone who treated her horrifically. Earlier in the novel, Melinda allows Heather to manipulate her, since she was desperate for a friend. As she develops into this new girl accepting her rape, she begins to realize that her relationship with Heather was utterly terrible, and Heather was obviously just using her. Feeling empowered, Melinda finally speaks up against Heather and say no to her injustices. As an excuse to say no to Heather, Melinda claims that “the tree guy is coming to work on the [dead] oak out front [of her house]” (180). Again, tree symbolism is used for Melinda’s growth. The “tree guy” comes to fix the dead tree outside, which needs to be cut down to heal. With help from Heather, Melinda is dead herself, meaning her past experiences changed her into a much quieter person. Now, Melinda begins to turn into a person able to speak up for herself, like when she says no to help Heather, and is healing. Too busy growing into a better person, Melinda doesn’t have time to deal with Heather’s minor problems. Melinda is finally able to speak her true emotions, since she feels empowered from her major

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