Both arguments are valid but there are solutions for both. One of these argument stems from most journalists publicly speaking out about media bias. The journalists explain how much of what they write is their own opinion and should be taken as such and that everyone has different opinions on a certain subject and this is their own. Society pays these individuals to report the news in an unbiased light, this should be their priority. These journalists must make sure they do not blur the line between fact and opinion, while it is ok to give your opinion make it clear where the facts end and where your opinion begins. The second argument claims that media bias is becoming difficult to identify in the today’s media. This is due to many individuals not fully understanding the definition and calling something media bias even though it is not. This could be harmful thinking because one can jeopardize an outlet’s authenticity by claiming a false case of media bias. Loyalty and support can play a huge role when it comes to elections. An individual is often loyal to their own political party and will generally focus their attention towards the media that is more biased to your chosen party. …show more content…
The power of the media is too strong and must be reduced in some way. This could be achieved by the population becoming aware of their surroundings and detecting when media bias is occurring. Eventually our citizens will be able to cautiously watch the media but also think for themselves as well on what the facts are. This is a major social and political issue because the public has the right to know what is going on in their communities. This is an alarming issue when it is on a nationwide scale such as the presidential election, the future of our nation is at stake. With the knowledge that the reader as acquired throughout this, I hope that they will be more cautious around the media and the information that is produced by it. Americans need to do their own research into what is going on in the nation today and not take the media’s word for it. While some media outlets are trustworthy it is always a good idea to be careful regardless if you are reading your city newspaper or a newspaper as big as The New York Times. Our population needs to be better informed about what is going on around us, to make informed decisions. If we learn to detect these biases it is possible that the media will catch wind of it and realize that it will not work anymore on the population and end it. Even though not all media outlets are completely biased, it is always a good idea to be vigilant and