The Deese-Roedieger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm represents a strategy used to implant false memories even when information is not directly exposed to an individual (Watson, Poole, Bunting, & Conway, 2005). Roediger and McDermott (1995) adopted an experimental procedure originally developed by Deese (1959) who revealed that adults who studied a list of words were more likely to report a related word that was not presented. Deese was interested in testing intrusion memory errors for word lists in a single-trial, free recall. He created 36 lists, with 12 words per list. Each list contained 12 primary words that were strong associates of a critical word that was not presented. For example, the list of words for …show more content…
Watson et al (2005) found that an automatic spread of activation from studied words might induce false memories in the DRM paradigm. The activation-monitoring theory (AMT) proposes that the activation and monitoring processes during encoding and retrieval result in the DRM illusion (Sugrue, Strange, Hayne, 2009). According to Roedieger and McDermott (2000), hearing a list of related words causes the unpresented critical lures to be strongly activated in semantic memory. Participants tend to experience the unpresented critical lures the same way as the studied items because of the strong activation. As a result, participants are more likely to confuse the source of the information and claim that the critical lure was present in the presented …show more content…
The fact that memories of witnesses and victims can be inaccurate, even though they believe them to be true has and important implication in the legal system (Loftus, 2003). It might be difficult to believe that people will confess to a crime they did not commit, and will actually create a false memory for having committed the crime (Leding, 2012). An example is the case concerning a Central Park jogger, where five teenage males were accused assaulting and raping a woman. Due to an intense and lengthy interrogation, all of the boys falsely confessed to committing the crime. The boys were convicted of the crime; however, they later denied their statements (Kassain & Gudjonsson, 2004). Leding (2012) concluded that the persuasive techniques utilized in interrogation sessions influence people to confess to crimes they did not commit, and in certain cases form memories for having committed them. Conferring to Loftus (2005), asking leading questions, pressuring individuals to report memory details, and introducing new and inaccurate information may generate an inaccurate account. Other techniques used in confession interviews are guilt presumptive and confrontational approaches tend to encourage inaccurate witness accounts (Kassin, Drizin, Grisso, & Gudjonsson, 2010), which can lead to wrongful convictions and injustice (Leo & David, 2010). Loftus (2003) concluded that false memories could contribute to the failures of