According to the innocence project, 24 percent of the wrongful convictions reversed by DNA are caused from false confessions. Despite that, many people believe that an individual who is innocent will not falsely confess to police unless he is or mentally ill or physically tortured. This belief has been noted by several scholars and documented in public surveys. Many believe this because most people do not know anything about a police interrogations, and what happens in it. People wrongly assume that the innocent suspect do not help themself by denial and that's why they falsely confessing to a crime that they did not
According to the innocence project, 24 percent of the wrongful convictions reversed by DNA are caused from false confessions. Despite that, many people believe that an individual who is innocent will not falsely confess to police unless he is or mentally ill or physically tortured. This belief has been noted by several scholars and documented in public surveys. Many believe this because most people do not know anything about a police interrogations, and what happens in it. People wrongly assume that the innocent suspect do not help themself by denial and that's why they falsely confessing to a crime that they did not