They tried to alert them; to make them realize but it was too late and many didn’t believe them. They had again fed the flame, wood that it needed. So the flame scorching was now known in the present, a blazing inferno. This inferno that was so big that many were blinded by the “great” light it radiated; it hid its impending distress. They who thought that this fire was only for the good; in which its purpose was to give warmth and cooked food and make electrical electricity that powers houses in every part of the world. They did not see how this fire that had grown so humongous, burned half of the land; all the trees, flowers and animals were turned to dust. Many humans are in wounds and is hurt. But they did not believe that the inferno was the reason, they blamed something else. They are trying to cover up the reality that they have been seeing with delusional and fake thinking. They are feeding it wood constantly; believing that it will make something so great that will exceed human’s potential and knowledge. But there is a big chance that this process of “exceeding” will soon create a great and magnificent war that will decide the future of all human race. This is …show more content…
One of the earliest technology, is learning and taming fire which had been one of the most significant discoveries yet. In the modern-aged world, this may not seem a technology but by definition technology is the practical application of knowledge in a certain area. Thus, the discovery and usage of fire was one of the most invaluable and treasurable technology. The human mind is full of wonders and possibilities. Because of that, this discovery was only the beginning of the great transformation. Machines now made its appearance after millions and millions of years. Truly, it had made life easier but it had also made many people’s colored life turn into a dull and gray one. The invention of machines made unemployment rise. Many machines in factories replaced the role of workers. This was beneficial for the owner of the factory or should I say, the “rich” but what about those in the bottom? Will they continue suffering from the lack of money? After years and years, the present time, machines had stupendously increased in amounts and it truly improved. Examples were the internet, phones, factories, cars and many more. These technological advancement was beneficial to humankind but within this benefits there are dangers and disadvantages that shouldn’t be overlooked and ignored because this “stain” in this so called “perfect” technology can be the inferno that will soon blaze and burn society and the world as we know