As he said in Document 2, “proves the correlative duty of every government to see that the means of education are provided for all…” He is giving this speech the the legislature of Massachusetts in 1846 to persuade them to open free education to every citizen in America. Along with many other democrats, he believes education is a right to receive, no matter what race or gender you may be. His sensational expressions of his opinion gave him his wish and education was later easily accessed by all.
The Temperance Movements were huge ideals that were expanded throughout the democratic society. The Drunkard’s Progress, as seen on the chart in Document 4, is a way to show the positives of the democratic belief that alcoholism isn’t acceptable for anyone. It shows that too many glasses of liquor will lead you to the grave, and real successful men do not consume any alcoholic beverages. This ideal was expanded by the American Temperance Society, which banned liquor, and was very popular throughout the