This reflection will explore the leadership roles of FNP-DNP as related to cultural competency, social justice, health care disparities and ethical decision making. Chism (2016), “Leadership implies accompaniment and compassion, and management implies control through supervision” (p. 66). Zaccagnini and White (2017), categorize five traits of the DNP/FNP leader as follows: Be a role model, create a shared vision, challenge of the status quo, enable others to act, and celebrate accomplishments. Chism (2016) presents a case study where a DNP becomes an effective community leader by addressing a need at her church for better health screenings. The DNP identified a need, researched evidence, helped leaders identify a shared vision, encouraged volunteer participation and provided education for the congregation. Attendance at the next health screening tripled (Chism, 2016 p. 57). The example demonstrates the effective nursing leadership at a community level. Cultural competency Kodjo (2009) define culture as “patterns of human behavior that are part of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group” (p. 57). Furthermore, sub-cultural variations exist such as age, generation, disability/ability, body image, and mental illness. Cultural competence in nursing involves the following ideologies: Diversity if valuable, identify personal culture, and respect dynamic interactions intrinsic once diverse cultures interact (Ansurya, 2012). The DNP ought to have curiosity to assess the cultural needs of individual patient or a community. Social Justice Social justice implies nurses are committed to the greater good of society (Chism, 2012). …show more content…
The DNP demonstrates social justice by becoming involved. Chism (2012) identifies the steps to social change. First the nurse identifies an area of interest, examines the amount of time which can be devoted and lastly get involved. Political activism and political action are a natural fit for the advanced practice nurse. Nurses are in an ideal position for political activism due to being the most trusted profession for the last fifteen years (ANA, 2016). The president of the American Nurses Association (ANA) states “I challenge those charged with making health policy at the facility, local, state and national levels, to include the trusted voice of nurses at the decision-making table” (ANA, 2016). Health disparities Healthy people 2020 (internet) identifies health care disparity as more than a racial or ethnic issue. Health disparity is more complex than just access to care, it involves cultural differences, socio - economic status and education. Van Herk, Smith and Andrew (2010), presented an example of culture clashing with health care; an aboriginal mother in Canada sought care medical care but the initial contact …show more content…
Nurses rank #1 most trusted profession for 15th year in a row [press release]. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/FunctionalMenuCategories/MediaResources/PressReleases/Nurses-Rank-1-Most-Trusted-Profession-2.pdf Chism, L. (2016). The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A guidebook for Role Development and Professional
Issues, 3rd ed. Burlington, Ma: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Healthy People 2020 [Internet]. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/disability-and-health George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A., & Mayer, D. (2007). Discovery your authentic leadership. Harvard
Business Review. (p. 129-138).
Van Herk, K., Smith, D., & Andrew, C. (2010). Examining our privileges and oppressions: incorporating an intersectionality paradigm into nursing. Nursing Inquiry 2011; 18(1): 29–39
Zaccagnini, M., & White, K. (2017) The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for
Advanced Practice Nursing. Burlington, Ma: Jones and Bartlett