The Filipinos have been fighting for their independence from Spain for several years. In 1900, William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic Party’s candidate for President, said that the Filipinos were obviously fighting for their independence (Doc. D, pg. 153). William Jennings Bryan was completely against the annexation of the Philippines. He was 100% opposed to it. Bryan didn’t want to even educate the Filipinos because, well they didn’t even know the constitution. …show more content…
A, pg. 147). The Philippines protested against American authority. Platform of the American Anti-imperialist League said that even the great Abraham Lincoln had said that no one is good enough to govern without anyone's consent (Doc. A, pg. 147). So would Abraham Lincoln be all for the annexation of the Philippines even though they want to be on their own? No. What Abraham Lincoln is saying is that every man is capable of governing themselves. When a man governs himself, that is called self-government. When a man governs himself and also governs another man, that is more than just self-government, that is despotism. That’s what Platform of the American Anti-imperialist League says