I was introduced to the topic of Cultural Competency in healthcare as an undergraduate student working on my Bachelors of Science in Nursing. It is defined as providing culturally specific care that was in line with the client’s values and beliefs. Although, as I progress during my nursing career, cultural competence’s application has become nothing more but a topic mentioned during institution’s orientation agenda. Its value is limited to a few healthcare providers who actively incorporate it in their practice. Furthermore, even the word ‘competence’; which means sufficiency or quality of being adequate, doesn’t encompass the ever-evolving complexities and challenges faced by healthcare providers in our diverse society. …show more content…
Taylor, is a philosophy which is defined as a tool which enables us to learn from others. It asserts that the community being served is aware of its needs, therefore, it is our responsibility as healthcare providers to be unassuming and open to learning from the community. It incorporates critical self-reflection and works to change power imbalances. As a critical care nurse working in New York City, I constantly see myself learning about other communities and cultures. Even though I was introduced to cultural humility as topic in Dr. Taylor’s lecture, I have been practicing it as part of providing care to different clients from various backgrounds. And there is always room from