Crucible Act 1

Improved Essays
Act I
Scene 1
In a small remote town, on a fine Sunday, the people are gathered in worship.
Priest: My followers, today I believe that I have received a calling. I know that I have been granted the power to heal and to restore. I beseech you all to come receive the power of healing, come one come all.
Congregation: (In unison, they chant) Amen. Amen. Heal us.
First person: Priest, heal me. Please heal me. I have been ailing for months now.
Priest: Dear child, come and let us pray together for your healing. Do you have the conviction that you shall feel better after the healing power has landed on you?
First person: Yes! Yes, I have the faith. I believe.
(They pray together for awhile. Later in the day the service is ended and the priest
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Priest: My brethren, I have come with a message for Peter. Peter wherever you are, you are healed!
(Peter wakes up as happy as ever. His ailing had stopped and now he is running all over.)
Congregation: (In unison) Heal us priest. Please heal us.
Priest: (Moving all around the congregation touching the people as he miraculously heals them. On one occasion he touches a man without one hand and immediately the hand regenerates.) Amen my brother! Amen.
(The congregation is left in awe as they witness the miraculous healing.)
Scene 1- Final scene
(Natalie arrives and storms into the sanctuary. Full of rage she attacks the priest)

Priest: Come ye that have been burdened and I will take the burden from you…
Natalie: (Cutting short the priest’s sermon) Bring back my feather you thief! I am not supposed to be in this realm. Bring back my feather or I shall cause more destruction that is necessary!
Priest: I don’t know what you are talking about young lady.
(Natalie reaches for the priest’s neck and pulls out a chain that holds her white feather. In shock, the congregation starts chanting)
Congregation: Demon! Abomination! You have killed us all!
Priest: (In disbelief) Who are
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Be gone with you priest! And for the rest of you, for your naivety and desperation, I forgive you. You are all healed. And for you, Virginia, blessed are you who took me in and helped me. (Natalie holds the feather towards her shoulder and two gigantic wings are revealed. Natalie puts back the feather and immediately starts glowing as she ascends into the air. She drops a tear to the ground and the earth beneath blossoms in full spring flowers.)
Some people from the congregation pass out and others are left in amusement. End of play.

The play relates to the myth in that it encompasses supernatural entities and the story lines are a similar in that powers of a superior being are taken for granted. In this play, we get to see the battle that ensued between the priest and the angel and in the myth, we get to see the actions that Demeter does while in rage of her daughters disappearance. In both, the endings turn out to be okay as we see every party gets what they wanted.
In writing a play, one gets to see the unfolding of events as they happen. There is the opportunity to understand why certain actions happened and even why some words were uttered. The drama in plays takes more into account than the written narratives are they are reproducible through actions. In summary, plays are a means to narrate

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