Poetry in the Aztec civilization was called flower and song, two metaphors for art and symbolism. There were two types of poetry: religious and secular (Curl). Religious poets dedicated entire pieces to one god. Secular poems were for …show more content…
Flower and song combined spiritual and worldly themes. Poets often wrote about deep philosophical themes, such as death. Other themes included in poetry were war, love, friendship, and fame. Poets also wrote about historical events (Brinton). Many poems praised great leaders and memorable battles (Curl). Types of poems were split up according to their themes, for instance there were spring songs, which were light and spiritual, and orphan songs, or sad poems. Aztec poems had a different style from those written in Europe. Poems included common metaphors and synonyms and used imagery. Flower and song used rhyme, but had no fixed rhyme scheme or meter (Curl). They consisted of stanzas but there was no constant line and stanza length (Curl). The stanzas of the poems were often defined by repetitive meaningless