Counterterrorism Homeland Security

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Counterterrorism and Homeland Security
Expectations Prior to Charlie Rose’s Interview Lisa Monaco was a name I was not familiar with, but nevertheless, her title intrigued me. She is the Homeland Security Advisor to President Barack Obama and initially a federal prosecutor. I was interested in the events taking place in our homeland; like the Boston Marathon bombing, the school shootings, North Korean and Chinese cyber threats and within-country Islamic State of Iraq (ISIL) counterterrorism. While the interview did discuss some of these points, it was largely focused on ISIL in Syria and social media.
Reflections of the Interview Lisa Monaco and Charlie Rose first attempted to tackle the dilemma of lethal force. Who can use it, and when is it okay? I learned some interesting delineations during this point, like how the military is the main “hand” in lethal force, but that the intelligence community can use it as well. I was under the impression that all forms of lethal force are directed by the military. Lethal force is also guided by three main principles, that the target is a lawful terrorist, that they are present and that there will be no civilian casualties. These three principles ensure that the correct target is eliminated, that unnecessary bombing occurs and mitigates civilian collateral damage.
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In support of this goal, she traveled to Silicon Valley and San Francisco to discuss how they can replace ISIL’s message with a different voice. There was little clarification on any conclusion that occurred, and I was confused as to why they went to Silicon Valley. The Valley is well known for being scientific minded, intellectual and progressive powerhouse, but if the 50% of ISIL supporters are under 20, then why did they not talk to people in colleges and high schools? Maybe they did, but unfortunately they did not reveal any results of their attempts to deny a safe

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