This bribery led to the corruption between the government and big businesses, which was against the impoverished workers, the majority. The Credit Mobiler still had an excessive amount of money, but they didn’t use it to raise wages for the laborers who barely made anything. Scandals of big businesses thrived on bribery which led to corruption. It proved the big business men to be robber barons. They warmly welcomes money that was more than needed because a common goal of inventors was to get rich.…
In the Bell California corruption scandal, this involved misappropriated funds. This was a story that hurt the citizens of Bell, California because the city officials took upon themselves to give themselves raises without the knowledge of its citizens of Bell California where there were 36,000 residents and one in four residents was below the poverty line. There were city officials who paid themselves inflated salaries of up to 100,000 dollars per year. A former powerful city manager Robert Rizzo was the one who established the scandal that rocked Bell California.…
Jack Abramoff was the top lobbyist in D.C. from 1994 to 2001 and was involved in arguably one of the largest scandals in American history. This scandal involved many other people and some main players were Michael Scanlon, Adam Kidan, Ralph Reed, Tom Delay, and Bob Ney. All of these people either received bribes, gave out bribes, or were involved in some other type of illegal activity. Abramoff’s scandal was based mainly around his lobbying work with the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and their interests in owning casinos and gambling. His first job in 1995 was to eliminate the bill that was charging an unrelated sales tax to the Native Americans casinos.…
At the Jan. 20 meeting of the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority board, I presented my case for the creation of a trusteeship that would oversee the millions of dollars in casino revenue that are intended for the sole benefit of the citizens of East Chicago. While there will likely be opponents of this proposal, I make it in good faith -- but with a clear understanding of the unique history of the public corruption that has robbed the people of East Chicago of the benefits that other cities around Indiana have enjoyed since the state legalized riverboat gambling in the early 1990s. Allow me to explain why I believe creating a special trusteeship is necessary. In the years I have served as Indiana's attorney general and in the previous years I served in the office as chief deputy, I know well the years of litigation required to bring an end to the unholy deal struck by former Mayor Robert Pastrick and his political cronies that was approved by the Indiana Gaming Commission at the time.…
1855 was a time of tremendous change in Stockton California. The political scene in California at this time was a mess. There was an emergence of two political parties, The Republican party and the Know Nothing or the American Party. The Whig party was beginning to become completely irrelevant and would soon cease to exist. The Democratic party that dominated the politics of California up to this point was experiencing a fractionalizing into two or three parties throughout the state that competed with one another for the same voting base.…
There were large amounts of corruption to the government which included big businesses in which they happened to control what…
I am a recent reader of your article by The New York Times, Drug Gang Killed Students, Mexican Law Official Says. This tragic event of the 43 students from Mexico in September 2014, has come to my attention and I have developed my own opinion and thoughts regarding your information. The government and law system in Mexico most definitely is corrupt, but how many more situations in different countries have had encounters like this? How many have been actually recognized and addressed?…
Scandals can either make or break your reputation. In the cases of Marion Barry and Anita Hill, the end result of their scandals were the opposite of each other. Marion Barry & his scandal are an example of how there is a legacy that can come from what is done during the process of the scandal & how the media plays into scandals after they happen. Anita Hill is an example as to how the media can manipulate someone’s side of the story. I will explain how the media played into each scandal & how the documentaries made about them play into their legacies as scandals.…
Proposition 50 was the only California state proposition on the primary ballot last June. Due in part to current law, while the suspension of public officials can occur, the consequences of loss of salary and/or benefits are non-existent, allowing for corruption to pervade their position without consequence. Corruption in the service of the public should never be acceptable practice and no public servant should be allowed to get away with a lack of ethics. Proposition 50 addresses the issue of ethical corruption derived from actions involving suspensions without financial consequences being imposed. Congressman Ian Calderon, along with a few other California State legislators, designed the proposition to refuse legislative members’ salaries,…
Numerous elections happen each year with dozens and dozens of campaigns. People spend endless amounts of time trying to get money to fund their campaign along with them spending money themselves. Most campaigns and elections are funded honestly with the public and authorities knowing where and who the donations are coming to for that good cause, but some campaign funding’s go unlawfully. Some campaigns seem to get anonymous money donations otherwise known as “dirty money donors” trying to further their campaign in alliance with another. From this year’s most recent November election in San Francisco, a lot of people seem to have been involved in this “dirty money” donating.…
The Gilded in America is the time period following after the civil war; the name, originates from the historical fiction book, “The Gilded Age”, written by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner the book gives us a very good picture of the era of that time and how the thin covering represented all the great ideas and businesses (i.e. the railroad) was profitable but that what lay beneath it all was corrupt and a nation that desired materialism. What were some of the problems in the Gilded Age? In the book, American History, Stobaugh writes, “The Gilded Age was a period of obscene materialism and blatant political corruption in U.S. history. It was a time of massive industrialization and serious social problems.” With the title, The Gilded…
Provided below are my insight about the corruption in regards to corruption over money, and gerrymandering. I also touch on trustworthiness and morals in our government officials. I acknowledge my views may be different than someone else’s. I stand strongly and firmly back my beliefs with information provided and personal insight.…
The process in which Lawmakers meet to tackle issues regarding the state of Louisiana are done in the state capitol, Baton Rouge. As mentioned in the website, “The legislature is responsible for determining policy through the enactment of Laws, subject to federal and state constitutional restrictions” (Legislative branch). These laws can be statewide or confined to an area depending on the issue being dealt with. Policies such as Louisiana road projects may lead to Lawmakers boosting state gasoline tax by $.05 per gallon. There’s also issues such as the qualifications for marriage license by the state.…
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, is a fictional literary work that illustrates the labor conditions in the Chicago stockyards, describing the harsh realities immigrants faced and exposing the callous side of human nature. The Jungle is a depressing realization of how unregulated capitalistic corporation and monopolies treated human beings as less than human, with complete disregard for the workers' well-being. Throughout the book, Sinclair displays the struggles of an immigrant family in order to expose the failings in American society. Upton Sinclair was a well-known author and “muckraker” journalists in the Progressive Era. The term muckraker is known today as “Investigative Reporting”.…
Congress's approval rating has been decreasing ever since March 2015. However, a new poll has shown what most people in America really think about congress. A poll showed that 52 percent of people believe that congress is corrupt. Not only do people believe that congress is corrupt, but they also believe that congress cannot relate to everyday people.…